Cleaning the Cup

How often do I need to clean the cup? 

Always sterilise the cup before and after your period, by boiling it in water for at least 5 minutes. Rinse the cup with clean water between uses or wipe away blood with a clean tissue.

Do I boil it in water that is over a flame?

You can boil the Flowcup in a pot over a flame or you can boil water in a pot and then pour some into a container that won’t melt and submerge the cup in it.

Do I need to clean my cup during my period?

When you empty the cup, rinse it with the cleanest water you can find. 

Do I need soap to clean the cup? 

No. You shouldn’t use soap to clean the cup. But you should wash your hands with soap before you insert or remove the cup.

Size of Cup

Which size should I use? 

Women who have not had a child are suggested to try a size 1. Women who have had children are suggested to try a size 2. If you have a heavy period (not just on the first day) you may feel more comfortable with a size 2. If you are unsure which size would suit you, then we recommend choosing the smaller size (size 1), as the menstrual cup holds almost four times as much menstrual fluid as a tampon (and can hold a lot more then a pad). Most women think they bleed more than they do.

Cup Use

Will my cup overflow?

It shouldn’t. If you are worried, test the cup on the first day by removing it after 5 hours and seeing how much blood it has collected. This will give you a better understanding about your body and how much you bleed. Some women may need to empty the cup every 6 hours on the first day they have their period, when they bleed more, and then empty it every 12 hours on the later days of their period, when they bleed less. If you bleed heavily on certain days, you can empty the cup more often than every 12 hours in order to prevent leakage.

Will I experience leakage with the Flowcup? 

No, if you have inserted it properly you shouldn’t have any leakage. Leakage occurs when the cup has not sealed against the walls of your vagina- it is important to run your finger around the base of the cup, when inserted, to ensure it has smooth sides and is properly in place. Note: The only other time you may have leakage is if the cup is full- be sure to empty it more frequently then 12 hours if this happens.

I can’t get the cup out easily, Should it hurt pulling it out?

It can be a little uncomfortable removing the cup if you don’t break the seal properly. Make sure you pinch the base of the cup when removing. By pinching the menstrual cup, you break the seal. It will then become easier to pull the cup out.

How long can I leave the cup in for?

12 hours (eg. Put the cup in at 7am and remove it at 7pm.) But, if you have a heavy period you might want to empty it more often to prevent leakage.

My cup hurts and the stem pokes out, what’s wrong?

You have inserted the cup incorrectly if it hurts. Remove the cup and try inserting it again (maybe try a different fold). Keep practicing, the cup should feel very comfortable if inserted correctly.

Will the cup fall out?

No, not if you have inserted it correctly.

Can I use the cup when I sleep?

Yes! Definitely.

Can I use the cup for swimming?

Yes! Swimming, playing football, working, going to school- are all activities you can do with the cup in. 

How much blood can the menstrual cup hold?

The cup can hold 1 ounce of blood. This might not seem like much but the average person only releases about 2-3 tablespoons (or 2 ounces) of blood during each period.

Can you feel the cup while wearing it?

No, you shouldn’t be able to feel it. If you do it means it probably isn’t inserted correctly (eg. The stem is sticking out, meaning you haven’t wiggled the cup up high enough).

Tips for Starting out

  1. Squat down when inserting and removing the cup.

  2. If the cup has moved high up within the vagina and you are finding it hard to reach it to remove it, you can try urinating before removing the cup. Your vaginal muscles will help push the cup down when peeing. 

  3. Rinse the cup with a little clean water before inserting it for extra moisture, this makes it easier to insert.

  4. For first time you can also wear a pad while you gain confidence that the cup won’t leak. 

  5. You can change the cup when bathing to avoid spilling the blood.

Insertion and Removal

I can’t insert the menstrual cup in a way that is comfortable, what should I do?

You may not be able to get the menstrual cup to insert comfortably the first time, but with a bit of practice you will be able to insert the cup like an expert. Try different folding methods. Every body is different so if one fold doesn’t work well for you try another on. Practice makes perfect. 

What are some ways to fold the cup?

The C fold and the pushdown fold. See pictures below. 

C Fold

C Fold

Push down fold

Push down fold

I find it difficult to insert the cup. Can I use lubricant?

Yes, you can, but only water-based lubricants as the Flowcup menstrual cup is made from silicone. We advise rinsing the cup with a little water before inserting it to create a bit more moisture.

Can the menstrual cup get stuck in my vagina?

When the cup is inside your vagina, it cannot get lost inside your body. It will stay in your vagina and you will get it out. This is because at the end of your vaginal canal is your cervix which won’t allow anything to pass it. If the cup has moved higher up your vagina and you find it difficult to get a grip on it, follow these instructions.

1. Try to relax.

2. Sit on the toilet or squat down. Use your lower abdominal muscles to push the cup downwards. 

3. Carefully pull the cup out by taking hold of the ball stem at the bottom. You can wiggle it from side to side to lower the cup. 

I am in pain removing the cup what should I do?

Break the seal by squeezing the bottom part of the cup until you feel or hear the suction release. Then, gently rock the cup from side to side while pulling down. Hold the cup in a folded position when it exits your body. 

Storing the cup

How should I store the menstrual cup?

Store the cup in the supplied organic cotton fabric bag between your periods. Make sure your cup is dry before putting it in the bag. If you are worried about it not being safe from rats, you can place it inside a water bottle (that has been cut in half around the middle). Make sure the lid is removed from the water bottle so air can flow through and allow the cup to breathe and avoid getting mould.


Other questions

Can I have sex while the menstrual cup is inserted? 

No. You should not have sex while the menstrual cup is inserted.

Can I get an infection from using the cup?

It is very unlikely you will get an infection from the cup. Make sure you wash your hands before inserting and removing the cup and remove the cup EVERY 12 HOURS. If you leave the cup in for more than 12 hours it can be unsafe. If you leave the cup in for an extended amount of time and experience nausea, vomiting, rashes or diarrhoea see your doctor and ask about Toxic Shock Syndrome. 

Is the cup safe?

The cup is made from 100% medical-grade silicone and is safe to use. 

I have just had a baby. Can I still use the menstrual cup?

Wait until you feel your body and genitals have healed properly after your delivery. Then you can continue using your cup.

Can I use the cup if I am a virgin? 

If you are a virgin and have your period this means there are already holes in the hymen that the blood is coming through. The cup can be inserted here to stop the blood. Inserting the cup will not take your virginity, the only thing that can do that is having sex. Virginity is about not engaging in sexual activity, it is different to the use of cups for menstruation. 

For more information, Click HERE and watch this great video from the team at Ruby Cup

How much does the cup cost?

It is for free thanks to The Cova Project. However the usual retail price is $30USD so you need to take care of it!

Does it smell?

No. Your period smells when the blood comes in contact with oxygen eg. With pads and cloths the blood can start to smell. With the cup as it is inserted it the blood doesn’t smell and therefore you won’t smell. 

Can I share the cup with my friend or my sister? 

No- the cup is yours and cannot be shared with anyone. This would increase health risks. If your friend or sister needs a cup, talk to your Project Leader.

Where was the cup invented?

The menstrual cup was invented in 1937 but the cup you have was made by a wonderful woman in Sweden called Diana Lidforsen, the Founder of Flow Cup. 

What is the benefit of the cup?

You won’t have to buy a pad for the next 10 years!

You can go swimming, play sports and go to school while menstruating.

You only have to remove the cup every 12 hours!

You feel free!

Does it hurt to use the cup? 

No, it shouldn’t hurt. It can take time to get comfortable inserting and removing the cup as you practice but once you are comfortable using it you won’t even feel the cup and will have no pain inserting and removing. 

Can I pee while using the cup?

Yes. You pee out of the urethra which is the first hole. The second hole is the vagina where the cup will be placed. The third hole is your anus where you poo from. 

If we haven’t answered you question, please let us know below.